1. Finish my Extended Essay (I know boring) but I didnt relize the amount of help I would need on it, so this wouldnt get done, but my new first bucket list goal to work towards by the end of summer is; 1. Finish All Extended Essay Research and Introduction Paragraphs
2. Get one new bracelet with meaning (DONE)
3. See 3 concerts (IN PROGRESS)
4. Create some amazing art via photography (DONE); for art I challanged myself with this list to take at least 30 photos to help improve my way of thinking and still keep snapping photos. Here are some of my favorites.
5. Read 2 books of my choosing (IN PROGRESS) I am almost done with the first and I plan on finishing both on my road trip back to Dallas. Explain Books more Once I am done.
6. Try my hardest at nationals (DONE)
7. Meet some new friends (DONE)
8. Go on a last minute day trip to the mountains 9DONE)
9. Go hiking/bouldering two times (due to broken foot last summer I couldn't) (DONE)
10. Have A Shimmer Sparkle Shine Volunteer Sleepover!; this one had to be modified because of conflicting schedules. This one is changed to; 10. Raise money for Shimmer Sparkle Shine!
Do the Things You Want to do! Make the Most of Life!
Ciara Ann
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