Friday, April 20, 2012

Oh my memories (1/3)

This needs to be broken down to three here is part 1.
Last week was spirit week for prom! Some of the days were kinda iffy, but I still had fun with it!!
Monday was space day, so I just wore a star trek shirt. No pictures. Sorry
Tuesday was hillbilly day.
Then wednesday was supposed to be mock your rivel day..but they changed it to my personal favorite..nerd day!!

Thursday was famous couples day. We all went back and forth on a few good ideas. Cassie was sweet enough to be Hello Kitty while I was her sister MiMi.
Friday was of course school spirit day! This year there were some lovely juniors who offered to make shirts for us all. There was a bunch of us who gave them shirts, and we looked like a 13OSS!!!!! Marissa, Leandra, and I had to spice it up with Thornton Spirit Hand Prints all over us. There was a pep assembly..and mammoth came!
Then there was prom..... Keep Calm and Carry On Ciara

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