Friday, August 16, 2013


"A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow." William Shakespeare
Today after a fundraiser with the Shimmer Sparkle Shine Project, my high school friend group and I hung out, just us. This will be a long time before this happens again, but when I found this quote I knew it was perfect to describe this. You see, I like being around so many types of people, and I really care about all my friends to such a high degree of love. Sometimes people don't take me seriously when I call someone my best friend, because I like saying that about lots of people. The thing is, a best friend doesn't always mean your closest friend. To me it means who are the best friends I could personally have to surround myself with, and to me that is so many people. These people I have memories with, are the best ones I could have done that with. Make sense? Like those memories would have been different with somebody else, because that person's unique personality would have completely set it up for another circumstance. 
I have my three closest friends in the entire world, which are practically my sisters from other misters..and sisters...
Then I have some other close friends and my group I hung out with tonight is who those people are. The quote mentioned above covers our friendship group so well. Marissa and Leandra were apart of my original 'freshman 5' group. Over high school, we had some people separate from us, but the three of us stayed together. Through life Ashley was adopted into the circle. It feels like she was one of the original five though. 
The beauty about this group is that after 4 years of going through high school together, we understand one another pretty darn well. We know who each other entered high school as, compared to the ones we left as. We all changed so much over the 4 years, but we still accepted each other, knowing that people change and need room to flourish themselves. I mean, it's high school. It is going to happen. Since we had this knowledge we somehow stayed true and stayed friends.
Not spending life's little day to day moments with these three girls is going to be weird. Our whole routine of day to day life incorporated each other. Just the 4 of us, eating Basket Robbins was one of those moments where I thought to myself, sometimes we just can't value the the friends who we always have fun with when we are around. Rather we need to value the friends who are there for everything that happens in life, whether they want to be or not, because they see all sides of us. 
Just my thought for the night, so my Taco Bell Hot Sauces; Te Amo <3

With Love, 
Ciara Ann

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