Thursday, September 5, 2013

Things To Know About Me

I wanted to come up with a quirky bio or something amusing to post on my blog that would give my future roommates and future friends some more info about me. I thought it would just be better to go to the people who know me best and ask them what others should know about me. These were their responses. 

Konner's response was first "you hate Obama" but it was quickly followed up with a serious answer of "photography, family (this includes my closest friends), and religion are the cornerstones of my life."

Ashley's: "Tell them they can be as loud and obnoxious as they want when you are sleeping because nothing they do will wake you up."

Sam (aka Bennett), "They need to read Perks of Being a Wallflower then watch the movie."

Amanda, "You enjoy going to 3oh!3 concerts."

Abby, "You will only eat Taco Bell if all the damn lettuce is picked out."

My friend who has known me for the longest time (since I was 4) and knows me best, Anna, said, "You are fantastic at exaggerating stories, yet are a terrible liar. You tend to put your foot in your mouth. You can find humor in any situation. You are a great friend. You are afraid of naked people. You are a bad singer but an awesome dancer."

I agree with all those statements, but I have a few commentaries to add! LOL

  1. I do not like Obama, and I make it known through my humor.
  2. I am glad that family and religion are commonly known priorities.
  3. I do love photography for both the ability it has to pause a moment in time (and act as a way of recording history) and for how it can make people feel. I am known for my love of photography and it has me thinking maybe I should do it in college. 
  4. I have a pretty small family, and I was raised that your best friends become your family.
  5. I am a pretty heavy sleeper, and why Ashley says that is because on our Senior Trip we had 4 alarms going off, at the same time, people talking, lights were on, and I still didn't wake up. I have always been like that.
  6. I am obsessed with Perks of Being a Wallflower.
  7. I have only ever been to one 3oh!3 concert (sadly), but I love going to concerts and I have been to many.
  8. I love Taco Bell, but nothing can have tomatoes, onions or lettuce. Abby learned this the hard way when she got me a taco with lettuce and I wouldn't eat it unless she picked it all out.
  9. I only exaggerate to add comic value
  10. When I lie my eyebrows twitch
  11. I tend to not have a filter sometimes, or I just don't care enough and I just say what is on my mind. This tends to have me put my foot in my mouth.
  12. I find everything funny, simple enough.
  13. Anna was apart of my phase when I wanted to be a popstar, and I quickly learned that was never going to happen. I don't think I am a good dancer either, but I am better at that then singing (not hard to do). I do enjoy dancing though. 

Those are the big things about me! I think it is a pretty good description of me from the people who know me best. I am excited to meet my roommates in a week and see how our personalities will blend, and hopefully we all become friends, I really do!
With Love,
Ciara Ann

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