Sunday, July 3, 2011

25 Things

Facebook has this thing going on where you post 25 random things about yourself, then tag people. I did it, so I thought it would be cool to post my random 25 facts about myself here.
■1: I have never once taken off my "Not Even Once" bracelet since I got it at Pride in 2010

■2: I either like everything really organized, or everything a mess. There is no in between

■3: My biggest dream ever is to visit New York City

■4: Sometimes school projects get me excited... I have no idea why

■5: This may not be a secret to all but parts of my hair used to be pink and purple

■6: I skipped 6 belts in Taekwondo, from white to blue. I am so good at it, I think anyways.

■7: I check Post Secret EVERY Sunday, and I haven't missed a time in 3 years.

■8: I try to make everything I own personalized or original through mine or my families creativity.

■9: Tumblr photos are such a big inspiration to me.

■10: I am so excited not to have a bedroom door anymore, and I have no idea why.

■11: Tim Russert is my Career Role Model

■12: My most used website on my computer, next to facebook, is the Spanish translator i

■13: I can embroider amazing things like no other.

■14: There is this one guy who I would do almost anything for, and I don't know why.

■15: I like music that my friends dont listen to. It makes me feel more special for unknown reasons.

■16: My closet no longer fits all my clothes :/

■17: This summer may be simple and relaxing, but it is the best one yet!

■18: I will not sleep in my room if it is messy, because then I cant focus on sleeping

■19: I talk about being big and important in the world one day, but its gonna have to be from Colorado because I love it so much.

■20: I once threw a birthday party for Hilary Duff when I was in 4rth grade, and I invited all my friends and it was a big deal.

■21: I have my future home planned out.

■22: I have no idea who my true best friend is right now because so many amazing people are in my life, and I am starting to learn that there is no one true definition of Best Friend.

■23: My name Ciara means Dark Princess, so bow down.

■24: I won 700 dollars at my secret hobby of Bingo.

■25: Sometimes I think my mom wants to be just like me since she started getting into birds and birdcages after I did. lol

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